Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Camera Advice

I get asked all the time for camera advice... People of all experience levels want to know what the best camera is for the money.

Recently, I have recommended this Canon body and lens to many people, as it seems to suit the widest variety of users (from amateur stay-at-home DIYers and small business owners to semi-pros).

Here, a great deal on a great starter camera from the always great amazon.com:

*For specific questions on how to adapt this gear to your personal shooting situation, please contact me via my photography website, www.leiajobe.com*

Purchase this camera:

With this lens:

And you are all set to start photographing almost anything. (High speed professional sports and wildlife, however, might be a bit out of this camera's "range"... but you know, sometimes incongruities are awesome. So just keep shooting.)

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I am completely fascinated by orchids.

This gorgeous example now lives with me, and I took some pictures of its lovely face... (the text is from my blog project, www.dailythanks.org)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Rayon, Modal, and Tencel, Too

Recently I have been on the hunt for a reasonably priced, high quality, fitted t-shirt, and, much to my chagrin, most of the shirts I found were either partly or fully made out of modal. For me, modal seems a bit too see-through, and although the color is often vibrant, the draping and lack of structure is extremely unflattering.

I wanted cotton.

And so today, I found this lovely neon t-shirt for sale on the theory site, and got all fired up about the lack of "natural" fibers in every market, from high to low. And so I googled rayon, modal, and tencel.

I read this article, expecting the author to be equally frustrated about the pervasiveness of these crazy non-cotton fabrics.


And yet, somehow, I came away from the article feeling strangely sympathetic to tencel. Maybe I should give it half a chance...

But then again...

I wonder if people ever felt this way about polyester.